| Agrément South Africa`s is Technical Assessment Agency that promote governments objectives of economic development, good governance and raising living standards and prosperity in South Africa. The organization's role is to encourage and facilitate the use of innovative and non-standard construction products through its certification scheme, thereby capitalizing on the benefits to be gained.It evaluates the fitness for purpose of non-standardised construction products, materials and systems against performance- based criteria. Performance criteria and test methods are established in consultation with the relevant experts, as required. All evaluations include an assessment of the applicant’s quality system, the implementation of which is monitored regularly after certificate has been approved. |
| Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) |
| The CSIR is a leading scientific and technology research organization that researches, develops, localises and diffuses technologies to accelerate socioeconomic prosperity in South Africa.The CSIR liaises closely with tertiary education institutions. With a strong emphasis on relevant and developmental work, it also has strong roots in various communities, and collaborates with a wide range of donors and funding agencies. The CSIR aims to contribute to the national programme of development, perform relevant knowledge generating research and transferring technology and skilled human capital, and strengthen the science and technology base. |
| Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs(CoGTA) |
| CoGTA is responsible for the relationship between the national government and the provincial governments and municipalities, and for supervising the traditional leadership of South Africa's indigenous communities. Its strategic priorities are to facilitate integrated and responsive governance in a developmental state; to strengthen accountability and clean government; to accelerate service delivery and support the vulnerable; to improve the developmental capability of the institution of Traditional Leadership; and to foster development partnerships, social cohesion and community mobilisation the execution of policies and strategies regarding infrastructure development and implementation and is guided by the Departments of Water and Sanitation and of National Treasury. |
| Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries |
| Give effect to the right of citizens to an environment that is not harmful to their health or well-being and have the environment protected from the benefits of present and future generations.Develop regulations for environmental protection from the impacts of sanitation in the entire sanitation value chain. |
| Implementers. To improve health status through the prevention of illness, diseases and promotion of healthy lifestyles and to consistently improve healthcare delivery system by focusing on access, equity, efficiency, quality and sustainability. |
| Department of Human Settlement |
| Department of National Treasury |
| The responsibility of National Treasury in terms of water and sanitation relates to the funding of the different departments and spheres of government responsible for water and sanitation infrastructure, such as the allocation of the Equitable Share and the various grants (such as MIG) to provinces and municipalities; the monitoring of the financial policies and performance of national departments, provinces and municipalities; and the development of financial policies, norms, standards and guidelines. |
| Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) |
| The DSI is responsible for managing and coordinating the National System of Innovation (NSI), which is a framework that aims to create an enabling environment for science and technology in South Africa. The DSI also funds the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA), which aims to facilitate the commercialisation of innovations that arise from research that the National Research Foundation (NRF) and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). It supports a range of applied research through other entities, such as the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC). |
| Department of Trade and Industry |
| Promote structural transformation towards a dynamic industrial and globally competitive economy. Provide a predictable, competitive equitable and socially responsible environment, conducive to investment, trade and enterprise development |
| Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) |
| The overarching role of the DWS as the water sector leader in mainstreaming Appropriate Technology is to regulate and support all spheres of government in the application of appropriate methods, processes, devices and tools in their efforts to achieve their goals and objectives in water resource management and in providing water and sanitation services. |
| Development Bank of Southern Africa(DBSA) |
| The DBSA is a development finance institution that seeks to "accelerate sustainable socio-economic development and improve the quality of life of the people of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) by driving financial and non-financial investments in the social and economic infrastructure sectors. |
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