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The copyright of the data remains with the Department Water and Sanitation. This approval to use the data cannot be construed as a transfer of copyright.


  • The use of data is restricted to use for academic, research or personal purposes.
  • Data may not be sold (value added or not).
  • The recipient of the data does not have the right to distribute any portion of the data to any third party. The Department Water and Sanitation retains all rights to distribute the data to third parties, and the data remains the property of the Department Water and Sanitation.
  • Data may be distributed within your organization only, provided that your organization accepts and complies with the terms and conditions laid out in this document.
  • The exploitation of the data for commercial purposes is not included in this permission to use the data.
  • All requests for additional right of use must be requested in writing to the Department Water and Sanitation, Directorate: Water Services Planning, Private Bag x313, Pretoria, 0001 and addressed to Mrs Phumla Ngcumshe (Email:
  • Data may not be used for requested purpose before written approval has been received.


  • All data is supplied with no expressed or implied warranty as to its suitability for purpose, accuracy or completeness.
  • All data is supplied free of charge on the condition that:
    • any errors of DWS data will be reported to Directorate: Water Services Planning, Department Water and Sanitation, Private Bag x313, Pretoria, 0001.
    • all error corrections and/or enhancements of data will be offered free of charge to the Department Water and Sanitation.


Data is continuously updated. The data set(s) supplied are already historical on the day of supply. Department Water and Sanitation has no duty to ensure the recipient of the data receives subsequent updates. It is the responsibility of the recipient of the data to request subsequent updates.


Whenever used in publications or the electronic media, the Department Water and Sanitation is to be mentioned as the proprietor of the relevant copyright.
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